For data, algorithms and trained models developed by the Olivetti group, see The Synthesis Project: A Data-Driven Framework for Materials Synthesis Discovery.
Year | Authors | Title | Journal | Volume / Pages |
2023 | C Karpovich, E Pan, Z Jensen, E Olivetti | Interpretable Machine Learning Enabled Inorganic Reaction Classification and Synthesis Condition Prediction | Chemistry of Materials | 35 (3), 1062-1079 |
2023 | K Gong, E Olivetti | Data-driven prediction of room-temperature density for multicomponent silicate-based glass | Journal of the American Ceramic Society | 106 (7), 4142-4162 |
2023 | SM Bell, SJ Raymond, H Yin, W Jiao, DS Goll, P Ciais, E Olivetti, | Quantifying the recarbonization of post-agricultural landscapes | Nature Communications | 14 (1), 2139 |
2023 | KE Rodby, RL Jaffe, EA Olivetti, FR Brushett | Materials availability and supply chain considerations for vanadium in grid-scale redox flow batteries | Journal of Power Sources | 560, 232605 |
2023 | K Bhuwalka, RE Kirchain, EA Olivetti, R Roth | Quantifying the drivers of long‐term prices in materials supply chains | Journal of Industrial Ecology | 27 (1), 141-154 |
2023 | K Bhuwalka, E Choi, EA Moore, R Roth, RE Kirchain, EA Olivetti | A hierarchical Bayesian regression model that reduces uncertainty in material demand predictions | Journal of Industrial Ecology | 27 (1), 43-55 |
2022 | J Li, Y Li, YC Lu, W Luo, LF Nazar, EA Olivetti | Charging Sustainable Batteries | Nature Sustainability | 5, 176–178 |
2022 | EA Olivetti | The path to materials recovery | REWAS 2022 | 1, 6–7 (2022) |
2022 | Y Wang, XJ Zhang, F Xia, EA Olivetti, SD Wilson, R Seshadri | Learning the crystal structure genome for property classification | Physical Review Research | 4 (2), 023029 |
2022 | K Gong, T Aytas, SY Zhang, EA Olivetti | Data-driven prediction of quartz dissolution rates at near-neutral and alkaline environments | Frontiers in Materials | 9, 924834 |
2022 | K Daehn, R Basuhi, J Gregory, M Berlinger, V Somjit, EA Olivetti | Innovations to decarbonize materials industries | Nature Reviews Materials | 7 (4), 275-294 |
2022 | Kai Gong, Elsa A. Olivetti | Development of structural descriptors to predict dissolution rate of volcanic glasses: Molecular dynamic simulations | Journal of the American Ceramic Society | 05(4), 2575-2594 |
2022 | J Ryter, X Fu, K Bhuwalka, R Roth, E Olivetti | Economics-Informed Material System Modeling of the Copper Supply Chain | Economics-Informed Material System Modeling of the Copper Supply Chain | 1, 367-376 |
2022 | O Pfeiffer, A Khurram, EA Olivetti, BM Gallant | Life cycle assessment of CO2 conversion and storage in metal–CO2 electrochemical cells | Journal of Industrial Ecology | 26 (4), 1306-1317 |
2022 | J Ryter, X Fu, K Bhuwalka, R Roth, E Olivetti | Assessing recycling, displacement, and environmental impacts using an economics‐informed material system model | Journal of Industrial Ecology | 26 (3), 1010-1024 |
2022 | E Pan, C Karpovich, E Olivetti | Deep Reinforcement Learning for Inverse Inorganic Materials Design | NeurIPS AI4Mat Workshop 2022 | 2210.11931 |
2021 | E Stach, B DeCost, AG Kusne, J Hattrick-Simpers, KA Brown, KG Reyes, J Schrier, S Billinge, T Buonassisi, I Foster, CP Gomes, JM Gregoire, A Mehta, J Montoya, E Olivetti, C Park, E Rotenberg, SK Saikin, B Maruyama | Autonomous experimentation systems for materials development: A community perspective | Matter | 4 (9), 2702-2726 |
2021 | JL Cann, A De Luca, DC Dunand, D Dye, DB Miracle, HS Oh, EA Olivetti, TM Pollock, WJ Poole, R Yang, CC Tasan | Sustainability through alloy design: Challenges and opportunities | Progress in Materials Science | 117, 100722 |
2021 | KJ Huang, G Ceder, EA Olivetti | Manufacturing scalability implications of materials choice in inorganic solid-state batteries | Joule | 5(3), 564-580 |
2021 | J Ryter, X Fu, K Bhuwalka, R Roth, EA Olivetti | Emission impacts of China's solid waste import ban and COVID-19 in the copper supply chain | Nature Communications | 12, 3753 |
2021 | AB Georges, P Ren, AR Toland, S Zhang, KD Miller, DW Apley, EA Olivetti, N Wagner, JM Rondinelli | Database, features, and machine learning model to identify thermally driven metal-insulator transition compounds | Chemistry of Materials | 33(14), 5591-5605 |
2021 | Z Jensen, S Kwon, D Schwalbe-Koda, C Paris, R Gomez-Bombarelli, Y Roman-Leshkov, A Corma, M Moliner, EA Olivetti | DIscovering relationships between OSDAs and zeolites through data mining and generative neural networks | ACS Central Science | 7(5), 858-867 |
2021 | O Kononova, T He, H Huo, A Trewartha, EA Olivetti, G Ceder | Opportunities and challenges of text mining in materials research | iScience | 24(3), 102155 |
2021 | B Ravi, E Moore, J Gregory, R Kirchain, A Gesing, EA Olivetti | Environmental and economic implications of U.S. post consumer plastic waste management | Resources, Conservation and Recycling | 167, 105391 |
2021 | H Uvegi, Z Jensen, TN Hoang, B Traynor, T Aytas, RT Goodwin, EA Olivetti | Literaturę mining for alternative cementitious precursors and dissolution rate modeling of glassy phases | Journal of the American Ceramic Society | 104(7), 3042-3057 |
2020 | K Huang, G Ceder, E Olivetti | Manufacturing Scalability Implications of Materials Choice in Inorganic Solid-State Batteries | Joule | Online 10.1016/j.joule.2020.12.001 |
2020 | E Olivetti, J Cole, E Kim, O Kononova, G Ceder, T Han, A Hizpanski | Data-driven Materials Research Enabled by Natural Language Processing | Applied Physics Reviews | 7, 041317 |
2020 | R Mahbub, K Huang, Z Jensen, ZD Hood, JLM Rupp, E Olivetti | Text Mining for Processing Conditions of Solid-State Battery Electrolytes | Electrochemistry Communications | 121, 106860 |
2020 | B Traynor, H Uvegi, E Olivetti, B Lothenbach, R Myers | Methodology for pH Measurement in High Alkali Cementitious Systems | Cement and Concrete Research | 135, 106122 |
2020 | B Traynor, C Mulcahy, H Uvegi, T Aytas, N Chanut, E Olivetti | Dissolution of Olivines from steel and Copper Slags in Basic Solution | Cement and Concrete Research | 133, 106065 |
2020 | X Fu, D Beatty, G Gaustad, G Ceder, R Roth, R Kirchain, M Bustamante, C Babbitt, E Olivetti | Perspectives on Cobalt Supply in the Face of Changing Demand | Environmental Science & Technology | 54(5), 2985-2993 |
2020 | A Van Grootel, J Chang, B Wardle, E Olivetti | Manufacturing Variability Drives Significant Environmental and Economic Impact: The Case of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites in the Aerospace Industry | Journal of Cleaner Production | 121087 |
2020 | E Kim, Z Jensen, A van Grootel, K Huang, M Staib, S Mysore, H-S Chang, E Strubell, A McCallum., S Jegelka, E Olivetti | Inorganic Materials Synthesis Planning with Literature-Trained Neural Networks | Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling | 60(3), 1194-1201 |
2019 | U Uvegi, B Traynor, P Chaunsali, E Olivetti | Determining Viability of Industrial Byproducts in Alkali Activated Systems | 15th International Congress on the Chemistry of Cement | |
2019 | D Raab, C Tasan, E Olivetti | Strategies for Improving the Sustainability of Structural Metals | Nature | 575(7781). 64-74 |
2019 | E Kim, K Huang, O Kononova, G Ceder, E Olivetti | Distilling a Materials Synthesis Ontology | Matter | 1(1) 8-12 |
2019 | D Schwalbe-Koda, Z Jensen, E Olivetti, R Gomez-Bombarelli | Graph Similarity Drives Zeolite Diffusionless Transformations and Intergrowth | Nature Materials | 1-5 |
2019 | E Hertwich, S Ali, L Ciacci, T Fishman, N Herren, E Masanet, F Asghari, E Olivetti, S Pauliuk, Q Tu | Material Efficiency Strategies to Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions Associated with Buildings, Vehicles, and Electronics—A Review | Environmental Research Letters | 14(4) |
2019 | J Chang, RH Beach, E Olivetti | Consequential Effects of Increased Use of Recycled Fiber in the United States Pulp and Paper Industry | Journal of Cleaner Production | 241, 118133 |
2019 | MLA Ochoa, H He, JM Schoenung, E Helminen, T Okrasinski, B Schaeffer, B Smith, J Davignon, L Marcanti, E Olivetti | Design Parameters and Environmental Impact of Printed Wiring Board Manufacture | Journal of Cleaner Production | 238, 117807 |
2019 | H Uvegi, P Chaunsali, B Traynor, E Olivetti | Reactivity of Industrial Wastes as Measured through ICP-OES: A Case Study on Siliceous Indian Biomass Ash | Journal of the American Ceramic Society | 102(12), 7678-7688 |
2019 | Z Jensen, E Kim, S Kwon. TZH Gani, Y Roman-Leshkov, M Moliner, A Corma, E Olivetti | A Machine Learning Approach to Zeolite Synthesis Enabled by Automatic Literature Data Extraction | ACS Central Science | 5(5), 892-899 |
2019 | P Chaunsali, H Uvegi, B Traynor, E Olivetti | Leaching Characteristics of Biomass Ash-Based Binder in Neutral and Acidic Media | Cement and Concrete Composites | 100, 92-98 |
2019 | C Caldeira, F Freire, E Olivetti, R Kirchain, L Dias | Analysis of Cost-Environmental Trade-Offs in Biodiesel Production Incorporating Waste Feedstocks: A Multi-Objective Programming Approach | Journal of Cleaner Production | 216(10), 64-73 |
2019 | C Caldeira, O Swei, F Freire, L Dias, E Olivetti, R Kirchain | Planning Strategies to Address Operational and Price Uncertainty in Biodiesel Production | Applied Energy | 238, 1573-1581 |
2019 | W Liu, P Ford, H Uvegi, F Magarido, E Santos, P Ferrão, EA Olivetti | Economics of Materials in Mobile Phone Preprocessing, Focus on Non-printed Circuit Board Materials | Waste Management | 87, 78-85 |
2019 | E Kim, K Huang, O Kononova, G Ceder, EA Olivetti | Distilling a Materials Synthesis Ontology | Matter | 1, 1-5 |
2019 | Z Jensen, E Kim, S Kwon, T Gani, Y Román-Leshkov, M Moliner, A Corma, EA Olivetti | A Machine Learning Approach to Zeolite Synthesis Enabled by Automatic Literature Data Extraction | ACS Central Science | 5, 892-899 |
2019 | C Caldeira, F Freire, EA Olivetti, RE Kirchain, LCDias | Analysis of Cost-Environmental Trade-offs in Biodiesel Production Incorporating Waste Feedstocks: A Multi-Objective Programming Approach | Journal of Cleaner Production | 216, 64-73 |
2019 | JC Chang, SC Graves, RE Kirchain, EA Olivetti | Integrated Planning for Design and Proecution in Two-Stage Recycling Operations | European Journal of Operational Research | 273(2), 535-547 |
2018 | ML Alcaraz, A Noshadravan, M Zgola, RE Kirchain, EA Olivetti | Streamlined Life Cycle Assessment: A Case Study on Tablets and Integrated Circuits | Journal of Cleaner Production | 200, 819-826 |
2018 | F Meng, EA Olivetti, Y Zhao, JC Chang, SJ Pickering, J McKechnie | Comparing Life Cycle Energy and Global Warming Potential of Carbon Fiber Composite Recycling Technologies and Waste Management Options | ACS Sustainable Chemical Engineering | 6(8), 9854-9865 |
2018 | K Huang, L Li, EA Olivetti | Designing for Manufacturing Scalability in Clean Energy Research | Joule | 2(9), 1642-1647 |
2018 | EA Olivetti, JM Cullen | Toward a Sustainable Materials System | Science | 360(6396), 1396-1398 |
2018 | D. Marchese, M. Bates, J. Keisler, ML Alcaraz, I. Linkov, EA Olivetti | Value of information analysis for life cycle assessment | Journal of Cleaner Production | 197: 1540-1545 |
2018 | X Fu, A Polli, EA Olivetti | High-resolution Insight into Materials Criticality: Quantifying Risk for Byproduct Metals from Primary Production | Journal of Industrial Ecology | 23, 452-465 |
2018 | P Tecchio, J Gregory, E Olivetti, R Ghattas, R Kirchain | Streamlining the Life Cycle Assessment of Buildings by Structured Under-Specification and Probabilistic Triage | Journal of Industrial Ecology | |
2018 | P Chaunsali, H Uvegi, R Osmundsen, M Laracy, T Poinot, J Ochsendorf, E Olivetti | Mineralogical and Microstructural Characterization of Biomass Ash Binder | Cement and Concrete Composites | 89, 41-51 |
2017 | E Kim, K Huang, S Jegelka, E Olivetti | Virtual Screening of Inorganic Materials Synthesis Parameters with Deep Learning | npj Computational Materials | 3, 53 |
2017 | E Kim, K Huang, A Saunders, A McCallum, G Ceder, E Olivetti | Materials Synthesis Insights from Scientific Literature via Text Extraction and Machine Learning | Chemistry of Materials | 29, 9436–9444 |
2017 | EA Olivetti, G Ceder, GG Gaustad, X Fu | Lithium-Ion Battery Supply Chain Considerations: Analysis of Potential Bottlenecks in Critical Metals | Joule | 1, 229-243 |
2017 | T Poinot, ME Laracy, C Aponte, HM Jennings, JA Ochsendorf, EA Olivetti | Beneficial Use of Boiler Ash in Alkali-activated Bricks | Resources, Conservation and Recycling | 128, 1-10 |
2017 | E Kim, K Huang, A Tomala, S Matthews, E Strubell, A Saunders, A McCallum, E Olivetti | Machine-learned and Codified Synthesis Parameters of Oxide Materials | Scientific Data | 4 |
2017 | X Fu, CA Schuh, EA Olivetti | Materials Selection Considerations for High Entropy alloys | Scripta Materialia | 138(145-150) |
2017 | RE Kirchain Jr, JR Gregory, EA Olivetti | Environmental Life-cycle Assessment | Nature Materials | 16, 693–697 |
2017 | X Fu, SM Ueland, EA Olivetti | Econometric Modeling of Recycled Copper Supply | Resources, Conservation and Recycling | 122(219-226) |
2017 | C Caldeira, F Freire, EA Olivetti, R Kirchain | Fatty Acid Based Prediction Models for Biodiesel Properties incorporating compositional uncertainty | Fuel | 196, 13-20 |
2016 | A Noshadravan, G Gaustad, R Kirchain, E Olivetti | Operational Strategies for Increasing Secondary Materials in Metals Production Under Uncertainty | Journal of Sustainable Metallurgy | 1-12 |
2016 | P Ford, E Santos, P Ferrao, F Margarido, KJ Van Vliet, EA Olivetti | Economics of End-of-Life Materials Recovery: A Study of Small Appliances and Computer Devices in Portugal | Environmental Science & Technology | 50, 9, 4854-4862 |
2016 | J Gregory, A Noshadravan, E Olivetti, R Kirchain | A Methodology for Robust Comparative Life Cycle Assessments Incorporating Uncertainty | Environmental Science & Technology | 50 (12), pp 6397–6405 |
2015 | EA Olivetti, F Field, RE Kirchain | Understanding Dynamic Availability Risk of Critical Materials: The Role and Evolution of Market Analysis and Modeling | MRS Energy and Sustainability | 2 (5), 1-16 |
2015 | J Chang, E Olivetti, SK Fjeldbo, R Kirchain | Data Mining Towards Increased Use of Aluminum Dross | Journal of Sustainable Metallurgy | 1(1) 53-64 |
2015 | C Fitzpatrick , E Olivetti , T. Reed Miller, R Roth, R Kirchain | Conflict Minerals in the Compute Sector: Estimating Extent of Tin, Tantalum, Tungsten, and Gold Use in ICT Products | Environmental Science & Technology | 49(2) 974–981 |
2014 | E Olivetti, E Gulsen, J Malca, E Castanheira, F Freire, L Dias, R Kirchain | Impact of Policy on Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Economics of Biodiesel Production | Environmental Science & Technology | 48(13) |
2014 | E Gulsen, E Olivetti, F Freire, L Dias R Kirchain | Impact of Feedstock Diversification on Cost-Effectiveness of Biodiesel | Applied Energy | 126, 281-296 |
2013 | EA Olivetti, S Patanavanich, RE Kirchain | Exploring the Viability of Probabilistic Under-specification to Streamline Life-cycle Assessment | Environmental Science & Technology | 47(10) 5208-5216 |
2013 | L Cheah, N Duque Ciceri, EA Olivetti, S Matsumura, D Forterre, R Roth, RE Kirchain | Manufacturing‐Focused Emissions Reductions in Footwear Production | Journal of Cleaner Production | 44, 18-29 |
2012 | GG Gaustad, EA Olivetti, RE Kirchain | Improving Aluminum Recycling: A Survey of Sorting and Impurity Removal Technologies | Resources, Conservation and Recycling | 58(79-87) |
2011 | GG Gaustad, EA Olivetti, RE Kirchain | Towards Sustainable Material Usage: Evaluating the Importance of Market Motivated Agency in Modeling Material Flows | Environmental Science & Technology | 45(9), 4110-4117 |
2011 | EA Olivetti, GG Gaustad, FR Field, RE Kirchain | Increasing Secondary and Renewable Material Use: A Chance Constrained Modeling Approach To Manage Feedstock Quality Variation | Environmental Science & Technology | 45(9), 4118-4126 |
2010 | D Wesolowski, EA Olivetti, AC Graham, SM Lanou, LR Glicksman | The Use of Feedback in Lab Energy Conservation: Fumehoods at MIT | The International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education | 11(3) |
2010 | GG Gaustad, EA Olivetti, RE Kirchain | Design for Recycling: Evaluation and Efficient Alloy Modification | Journal of Industrial Ecology | 14(2), 286-308 |